Descaling Your DeLonghi Espresso Machine – A Complete Guide

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As a coffee lover and DeLonghi espresso machine owner, I know how important it is to keep my machine running smoothly. One crucial aspect of maintaining my machine is descaling, which involves removing mineral deposits that can build up inside the machine over time. In this article, I’ll be sharing my personal experiences and tips on how to descale a DeLonghi espresso machine, including the popular DeLonghi Magnifica.

Why Descaling Is Important

Descaling is an essential process for any DeLonghi espresso machine owner. Over time, mineral deposits can build up inside the machine and affect the quality of your espresso. Descaling helps to remove these deposits and ensures that your machine continues to operate efficiently. Signs that your DeLonghi Espresso Machine needs descaling include slow brewing time, less creamy coffee, and strange noises. Not descaling your machine can cause permanent damage and affect the taste of your coffee.

It’s essential to differentiate between cleaning and descaling, as they are not interchangeable. Cleaning involves removing surface dirt, while descaling targets mineral buildup inside the machine.

Preparing for Descaling

Before you start descaling your DeLonghi espresso machine, it is essential to prepare yourself with the right materials and knowledge. In this section, I will cover the materials required, understanding your DeLonghi Espresso machine, types of DeLonghi Espresso machines, safety precautions, and how often to descale.

Required Materials for Descaling

To descale your DeLonghi espresso machine, you will need the following materials:

  • DeLonghi descaling solution or a homemade descaling solution (vinegar and water)
  • Clean water
  • A container for the descaling solution and water mixture
  • A cloth or sponge to clean the exterior of the machine
  • A towel or cloth to catch any spills

Understanding Your DeLonghi Espresso Machine

It is essential to read and understand the manual that comes with your DeLonghi espresso machine. Each model has a different design, and the descaling process might differ depending on the machine’s specific features.

Different Types of DeLonghi Espresso Machines

DeLonghi has various types of Espresso machines, such as the DeLonghi Magnifica, DeLonghi Eletta, DeLonghi Dinamica, and DeLonghi La Specialista. The descaling process might differ depending on the type of DeLonghi Espresso machine.

Safety Precautions While Descaling

Descaling involves using acidic substances that could be dangerous if not handled correctly. It is essential to follow the safety precautions outlined in your machine’s manual, such as wearing gloves and eye protection.

How Often to Descaling Your DeLonghi Espresso Machine

The frequency of descaling your DeLonghi espresso machine depends on how often you use it. On average, it is recommended to descale every three to six months to prevent mineral buildup and improve the machine’s performance.

Now that we have prepared for descaling let’s move on to the descaling process.

How to Descale a DeLonghi Espresso Machine

Descaling is an essential maintenance process that helps keep your DeLonghi espresso machine in optimal working condition. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to descale your DeLonghi espresso machine:

  1. Preparation
    Before you start descaling, you need to gather all the materials required for the process. These include a descaling solution, water, and a container to hold the descaling solution and water mixture.
  2. Empty the Water Tank
    To begin descaling, you need to empty the water tank of your DeLonghi espresso machine. If the tank is removable, remove it, and empty its contents. If the water tank is not removable, use a measuring cup or a pitcher to scoop out the water.
  3. Prepare the Descaling Solution
    Once you’ve emptied the water tank, you need to prepare the descaling solution. The descaling solution is a mixture of water and a descaling agent. Follow the instructions on the descaling agent’s packaging to determine the correct ratio of descaling agent to water.
  4. Fill the Water Tank
    After preparing the descaling solution, fill the water tank with the solution. If the water tank is removable, place it back into the machine.
  5. Descaling Process
    Switch on the DeLonghi espresso machine and allow the descaling solution to run through the machine. Depending on the model of your DeLonghi espresso machine, the descaling process may vary. Follow the instructions in your user manual to determine how to start the descaling process.
  6. Rinse the Water Tank
    After the descaling solution has run through the machine, empty the water tank and rinse it thoroughly with clean water.
  7. Run Clean Water through the Machine
    Once you’ve rinsed the water tank, fill it with clean water and run the machine. This process helps to remove any leftover descaling solution from the machine.
  8. Repeat the Process
    Depending on the severity of the scale buildup, you may need to repeat the descaling process multiple times. However, be sure to rinse the water tank and run clean water through the machine after each descaling process.

Descaling a DeLonghi Espresso Machine with Citric Acid

Citric acid is another popular descaling solution, and it is also a natural and safe option. Here is how you can descale your DeLonghi espresso machine with citric acid:

  1. Mix 1 tablespoon of citric acid with 1 liter of water.
  2. Pour the solution into the water tank of your DeLonghi espresso machine.
  3. Turn on your DeLonghi espresso machine and let it run for a few minutes until half of the solution has passed through the machine.
  4. Turn off your DeLonghi espresso machine and let the solution sit inside for 20-30 minutes.
  5. Turn on your DeLonghi espresso machine again and let the rest of the solution run through.
  6. Once the solution has passed through the machine, rinse the water tank and fill it with clean water.
  7. Run the machine with clean water to rinse out any remaining solution.

Descaling a DeLonghi Espresso Machine with Other Products

There are other descaling products available on the market that are compatible with DeLonghi espresso machines. Follow the instructions on the descaling product you choose for the specific amounts and steps required. Always make sure that the descaling product is compatible with your DeLonghi espresso machine before use.

Common Mistakes to Avoid While Descaling

While descaling your DeLonghi espresso machine, it’s important to avoid common mistakes that could cause damage to your machine. Here are some common mistakes to avoid:

  • Using vinegar or other acidic products not recommended for DeLonghi machines
  • Not following the instructions for the descaling product used
  • Not rinsing the machine properly after descaling
  • Not descaling the machine often enough, leading to build-up and damage
  • Using hot water to fill the water tank, which can damage the machine

How to Clean the Water Tank and Coffee Filter

Regular cleaning of the water tank and coffee filter is important to maintain the quality of your espresso and the longevity of your machine. Here’s how to clean them:

Water Tank: Empty the water tank and wash it with mild soap and warm water. Rinse thoroughly and let it dry before filling it up with water.

Coffee Filter: Remove the coffee filter and clean it with warm water and mild soap. Rinse thoroughly and let it dry before placing it back into the machine.

With these tips and instructions, descaling and cleaning your DeLonghi espresso machine should be an easy and effective process. Regular maintenance will ensure that your machine continues to produce high-quality espresso and lasts for years to come.

DeLonghi Descaling Instructions

DeLonghi provides specific instructions for descaling their espresso machines, which may vary depending on the model. Here are the general steps for descaling a DeLonghi Magnifica machine:

  • Turn off the machine and unplug it from the power source.
  • Remove the water tank and empty any remaining water in it.
  • Dissolve the DeLonghi descaler solution or tablets in a liter of water, according to the package instructions.
  • Pour the solution into the water tank.
  • Refill the water tank with fresh water up to the MAX level mark.
  • Place a container under the steam wand to collect the descaling solution.
  • Turn on the machine and wait for it to heat up.
  • Open the steam knob to allow the descaling solution to flow out of the steam wand. Leave it open for about 10 seconds, then close it.
  • Press and hold the descaling button for 5 seconds until the indicator light starts flashing.
  • Turn the steam knob on and off every few seconds to allow the solution to flow through the machine.
  • Repeat steps 8 to 10 until the water tank is empty.
  • Rinse the water tank and fill it with fresh water up to the MAX level mark.
  • Place the container under the steam wand and turn on the machine.
  • Open the steam knob and let the water flow out until the water tank is empty.
  • Repeat steps 12 to 14 until the water tank is completely empty.
  • For other DeLonghi models, be sure to refer to the user manual for specific descaling instructions. DeLonghi also provides descaler solution and tablets that are specifically designed for their espresso machines. Follow the package instructions carefully and use only DeLonghi-approved descaling products to avoid damaging your machine.

It is recommended to descale your DeLonghi espresso machine every two to three months to keep it in good working condition.


Can You Use Vinegar to Descale a DeLonghi Espresso Machine?
While vinegar is a common household solution for descaling, it is not recommended for use in DeLonghi espresso machines. Vinegar can be too harsh for the internal components of the machine and can leave behind a strong odor that affects the taste of your coffee.

Can You Use Citric Acid to Descale a DeLonghi Espresso Machine?
Citric acid is a safe and effective solution for descaling a DeLonghi espresso machine. It is gentle on the internal components and does not leave behind a strong odor that affects the taste of your coffee. However, it is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using citric acid to descale your machine.

Can You Use Lemon Juice to Descale a DeLonghi Espresso Machine?
While lemon juice is acidic and can help remove some scale buildup, it is not recommended for use in DeLonghi espresso machines. The citric acid in lemon juice can be too weak to effectively remove all scale buildup, and it can also leave behind a strong odor that affects the taste of your coffee.

How Do I Know If My DeLonghi Espresso Machine Needs Descaling?
You may notice signs of scale buildup in your DeLonghi espresso machine, such as a decrease in water flow, a change in the taste of your coffee, or a buildup of residue in the water tank. It is recommended to descale your machine every three months or after 200 cups of coffee to prevent scale buildup and ensure optimal performance.

What Type of Water Should You Use in Your DeLonghi Espresso Machine?
It is recommended to use filtered or bottled water in your DeLonghi espresso machine. Hard water can cause scale buildup, which can affect the taste of your coffee and the performance of your machine.

How to Clean a DeLonghi Espresso Machine?
Cleaning your DeLonghi espresso machine involves regularly wiping down the exterior, cleaning the water tank and coffee filter, and cleaning the frother. It is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning your machine to prevent damage to the internal components.

Can You Use Other Descaling Solutions Besides DeLonghi’s?
While DeLonghi’s descaler solution is recommended for use in DeLonghi espresso machines, other descaling solutions can also be used. It is important to choose a solution that is safe for use in your machine and to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for descaling.

How to Clean the Frother on a DeLonghi Espresso Machine?
To clean the frother on a DeLonghi espresso machine, remove the frother from the machine and wash it with warm, soapy water. Rinse the frother thoroughly and dry it before attaching it back onto the machine.

What is the Best Way to Clean the Water Tank on a DeLonghi Espresso Machine?
To clean the water tank on a DeLonghi espresso machine, remove the tank from the machine and wash it with warm, soapy water. Rinse the tank thoroughly and dry it before reattaching it to the machine. It is recommended to clean the water tank every week to prevent the buildup of residue.


In conclusion, descaling your DeLonghi espresso machine is a crucial maintenance task that should not be ignored. Regular descaling ensures that your machine performs optimally, producing high-quality espresso drinks consistently. By following the step-by-step guide we have provided, you can easily descale your machine at home using various solutions, including DeLonghi’s descaler solution, vinegar, citric acid, and more. Remember to always follow the safety precautions and manufacturer’s instructions when descaling your machine. Additionally, regular cleaning and maintenance, such as cleaning the water tank and coffee filter, will prolong the lifespan of your machine and keep it functioning at its best. So, keep your DeLonghi espresso machine in top condition by descaling and cleaning it regularly.

Sarah Johnson

Sarah Johnson is a home appliance expert with over 10 years of experience in the field. She has a deep understanding of descaling solutions and the importance of maintaining home appliances. She has a passion for helping others keep their appliances in top condition through her writing

Descaler Genius